Hola everybody. Yes, I know, I know, I've been a tad quiet this month, but do not despair, I am still here, and not going anywhere. Just wanted to give y'all a little bit of an update regarding the Longing 4 Length Protective Styling Challenge that I've been participating in. So far, so good. It is hella hot here in the Nams, and the protective styling is assisting me in more ways than one, namely HAIR OUT OF MY NECK! It's too dang hot to even consider wearing ones' hair out. Also, the humidity is also ridiculous (without the rain yet though. Lord please, pour your blessings down upon us!) so one can't even CONSIDER wearing one's hair straight because reversion is inevitable, especially at 10 weeks post, let's not even talk about my edges.
Regardless, I've been a very good girl so far regarding the challenge - deep conditioned twice this month, wore my hair pinned up or tucked in or rolled up every day and NO HEAT, roller setting religiously. Just a quick indication of what I've been doing so far style wise:
The picture quality sucks, I know. And not extremely creative yet. But don't despair, I am focusing my positive energies and a new camera is on the horizon! Regardless, I'm feeling pretty confident about my retention with the protective styling, I am however still worried about shedding and breakage. I am EXTREMELY gentle when handling my hair and still I see WAY to many white bulbed hairs in my hands on wash day. I have been doing tea rinses but they're not doing the job. I'm going to start trying garlic infused oils and see what happens. Also, I am very tempted to relax this weekend at 11 weeks post. The crown of my head is becoming a real hassle to deal with. I've observed that my hair truly does grow faster during the summer months BUT it also sheds more (I find that very ironic) because my new growth is out of control! I'll make a final decision as the weekend rolls around.
I must mention that during the challenge we get a seven day allowance for wearing our hair out. I am planning to use the first of my seven tomorrow. My friend Ashantè is having her birthday party "The resurrection of her 21st" tomorrow and the theme is "Create you own Super Hero" I am planning to to go as "Exaggeration Girl" and therefore need BIG hair, and thus will be wearing my hair out. From Friday onwards I shall be back in my EZ comb or pin ups. In the meantime though - BRING ON THE PARTY!!!
And there you have it. Anybody else looking forward to anything special? Have a happy hump day everybody!