The weekend is over and we're back to the grindstone. However, before we strat with the mandaneness that is Monday morning (thank God I've had a cup of coffee already) let's quickly discuss the weekend and the insanity that went along with it. Friday I drove 200km to attend a quarter century birthday party that I was truly looking forward to, and I was not dissapointed. The hostess went out of her way to create an awesome event. Unfortunately, it appeared that there were some who did not appreciate the effort as much as I did, and she noticed. So, by about midnight, instead of having a rave, for her, in her head the tune of "It's my party" was playing. I'm sorry my friend, wish you had a better time.
Secondly, on Saturday I attended and partook in a funday, a mini sportsday of note, running around in the sun after a hectic part with only about 2 hours of sleep under my belt. Very fun, although in the beginning not very funny. But nevertheless, at the end of the day I felt great and I had an awesome time.
And then Sunday was gloriously lazy!!! All and all, a great weekend!